洪希周, 马君俊, 董峰, 臧潞, 陆爱国, 冯波, 乐飞, 宗雅萍, 孙晶, 余超然, 郑民华
Randomized controlled study:comparative study on clinical efficacy between 3D and 2D laparoscopic radical colorectaomies in the cases of colorectal cancer
Hong Hiju, Ma Junjun, Dong Feng, Zang Lu, Lu Aiguo, Feng Bo, Yue Fei, Zong Yaping, Sun Jing, Yu Chaoran, Zheng Minhua
腹部外科 . 2017, (1): 23 -26,35 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-5591.2017.01.007